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Sheet Music
Music is a form of art; an expression of emotions through harmonic frequencies.

Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the piano, flute, saxophone, guitar, drums or violin.

General definitions of music are :-

  • Pitch is a perceptual property of sound that allows it's ordering on a frequency-related scale. Frequency is measured in hertz (or cycles per second). A frequency of 440 Hz is the note of A above middle C, this is often the note used for tuning. A frequency of 880 Hz is also the note A but one octave up. An octave, despite it's name, is 12 notes that go up in semi-tones. 440 Hz can be multiplied by 1.059 to get to 880 Hz in 12 steps. This works down as well.

  • Melody is a combination of pitch (sequence of single notes) and rhythm, that is part of a tune and also musically satisfying.

  • Harmony is when two or more notes are played at the same time to produce a pleasing effect. One of the most basic harmonies is called the major triad, which is formed by playing the first, third and fifth notes of the major scale simultaneously.

  • Chord is when three or more notes are played at the same time.

  • Rhythm is music's time-pattern. Whatever pitch, harmonies or chords a given piece of music may have, rhythm is the one indispensable element. In music that has both harmony and melody, the rhythmic structure cannot be separated from them.

  • Tempo is the pace or speed at which a piece of music is played and is measured in beats per minute.

  • Meter refers to the regularly recurring patterns and accents such as bars and beats.

  • Articulation is a musical parameter that determines how a single note is played, like attack, sustain and decay.

  • Dynamics refers to the variation of volume (loudness) of a note or chord.

  • Timbre (or texture) is the tone quality (or colour) and distinguishes different types of sound production like strings, woodwind, brass or percussion.

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