Best 007 ? - Home - movies

Actors who played James Bond Most of us love to watch James Bond movies for their action sequences, mildly funny one-liners, the (normally) gorgeous Bond Girls, the bad guys or just the beautiful scenery, but who is actually the best one.

Many would pick Sean Connery for his charm, Pierce Brosnan for his dashing good looks or Roger Moore for his posh English accent.

James must have the following qualities :-

  1. Dashing Good Looks Good looks are very important if you are fighting bad guys and there are lots of pretty women nearby.

  2. Be Dangerous It takes sheer brute-force to take the bad guys down.

  3. A Good Sense of Humour These days you can't go around hitting people, you have to say something cool and then hit them !

So, here is a list of the actors who have played 007 and their scores :-

Daniel Craig2005 ~ Current8 / 109 / 101 / 1018 / 30Humourless
Pierce Brosnan1995 ~ 20048 / 108 / 106 / 1022 / 30About right
Timothy Dalton1986 ~ 19946 / 102 / 104 / 1012 / 30A bit of a ponce
Roger Moore1972 ~ 19857 / 107 / 106 / 1020 / 30
George Lazenby19696 / 106 / 106 / 1018 / 30Who ??
Sean Connery1962 ~ 1967, 1971, 19838 / 107 / 107 / 1022 / 30About right

Because James Bond inspires so many of us, there are many Bond-themed events in London.

There have been rumours that 007 will be played by a woman. Most wouldn't object to an action movie with a female lead role, many have been very successful like Alias (Jennifer Garner), Alien(s) (Sigourney Weaver), The Hunger Games (Jennifer Lawrence) and Underworld (Kate Beckinsale), but 007 has always been played by a man, preferably a British one as he is from her majesty's Secret Service.

If the women want to get some 00 action why not allocate them a different code like 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 008 or 009, it then becomes possible to play them together in the same movie as in GoldenEye (Pierce Brosnan as 007 and Sean Bean as 006).

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